Prodibio Coral Vits – Bali Reef Aquarium Online Store

Prodibio Coral Vits


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  • Provides all the vitamins needed for optimal growth and development of fish and corals.
  • Coral_Vits use the patented Neogoutte® technology to include in a same vial water-soluble vitamins and lipophilic vitamins.
  • Vitamis are gradualy released into the aquarium.
  • Coral_Vits accelerates tissue repair and reduces stress.
  • Can be added at the same time as Reef Booster in order to help their optimal growth.
  • Corals, fish and invertebrates are animals, and as such they are unable to synthesize all the vitamins they need, at least in sufficient quantities. Therefore, they must be supplemented by the food, even for photosynthetic organisms.

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